sports Travel

What cities qualify to host the Super Bowl?

Have you ever been to the Super Bowl?

The answer is probably going to be “likely not”, due to a number of reasons – not the least of which is how much money it can cost to purchase a single Super Bowl game ticket.

Movies shopping Websites

What’s more practical than a Star Wars Princess Leia Bikini?

We’re now deep into New Year’s Resolution time, with the most popular resolution being “to lose weight”.

And what better way to motivate your man (or your woman) than encouraging with a “if you meet your goal, I’ll / You’ll wear THIS” reward?

Hey, for the movie nerd in your life, that’s the best kind of motivation there is!  It’s all about gamification.

10 Things

Bella and Kitty lead the list of Top Pet Names for 2012

Naming your new puppy or kitten is a pseudo-exact science.

Some people let their kids name the pets, as that’s a way to encourage ownership with the kids and hopefully force them to remember to feed or clean up after their new furry companion.  (Ha! Likely not to happen, but it’s worth a shot – right, parents?)

Others base the names they select off the pet’s coloring (black cats would be “Smokey” or “Shadow”. Spotted dogs would be, well, “Spot”)

And others may decide to name their pets after their own favorite hobbies.  Which may explain why there are so many pets named after either spices or alcohol.


Project Unbreakable

There’s nothing that Web Watch can say about this site that it doesn’t already say on its own.


10 Things Websites

Words banned for use in 2013 and beyond

Web Watch has pleaded with our readers in the past to STOP USING WORDS LIKE VAJAZZLE and MAN CAVE, and we’ve told you about WORDS I LOVE, WORDS I HATE.

And apparently, Web Watch’s crusade to clean up everyone’s daily language is reaching new ears every day, and others are beginning to pick up the gauntlet in our favor.

10 Things food Travel Websites

Apparently, 2008 was the “Year of the Potato”

Web Watch must have been busy back in 2008, as we totally missed that 2008 was the YEAR OF THE POTATO.

Funny thing about websites dedicated to a singular year’s event: those sites never really get updated.  Yet they persist forever with slightly outdated information on them, just waiting for someone to stumble upon them and gaze upon their glory.

10 Things Disney How To Internet Music TV Websites

Year in Review: 2012’s most popular Web Watch articles and searches

Thanks to all of you who took the time to visit WEB WATCH in 2012.

For those of you who weren’t able to read Web Watch every day, here’s a quick look at what everyone took a look at while they were here.