
Some countries believe that marriage infidelity is perfectly okay

Marriage infidelity is not something to take lightly – at least, that’s the message that family, friends, church, the media, and other societal observations have forced upon us.

Many stories have been told of how cheating can ruin lives.

But maybe that’s not always the case, depending on where you live and how you’ve been brought up.

The Indian Tycoon's Marriage Deal
The Indian Tycoon’s Marriage Deal


Does the Creepy Dating Rule really work?

We’ve all heard about the CREEPY DATING RULE, where you’re not supposed to date anyone younger than half your age + 7, right?

So if you’re 30 years old, you can’t date anyone younger than 22 years old.  And flipping that around – if you’re 30, you shouldn’t date anyone older than 46 years old.

22 years old through 46 years old.  That sounds like a pretty reasonable dating age range, don’t you think?

Stop Being Creepy
Stop Being Creepy

10 Things Travel

Playboy’s List of Top Party Schools 2014

What does it take to be named one of PLAYBOY’S TOP PARTY SCHOOLS of the year?

A little bit of fun, a little bit of music, a little bit of sun, very little clothing, and maybe a whole lot of alcohol?  Yeah, pretty much.

Girls of the Playboy Party Schools REVEALED
Girls of the Playboy Party Schools REVEALED!

10 Things Travel

Which Cities Have The Most Expensive Prostitutes?

Despite what people on the street are trying to share with you, everyone knows that prostitution is illegal in Las Vegas, right?

The Art of Whoring - Adventures in Prostitution
The Art of Whoring – Adventures in Prostitution


20% of Little People Have Trouble doing one thing

People who suffer from dwarfism range in height from 2’8″ to 4’8″.  The official classification for dwarfism according to the LITTLE PEOPLE OF AMERICA is anyone who is under 4’10” tall.

Combination Dressing Stick / Shoehorn
Combination Dressing Stick / Shoehorn

10 Things

Want the perfect husband? Marry a man shorter than you

Do you consider yourself a SHORT MAN or a TALL MAN?

We’ll make it easy for you.

SHORT MAN is generally considered anyone who is under 5’7″.  Someone who is considered TALL has to be at least 6’1″ in height.

Everyone in-between those two figures?  That’s where the perception about 6 inches being average comes from.

Wait, what?

Size Doesn't Matter: The Short Man's Handbook Of Dating And Relationship Success
Size Doesn’t Matter:
The Short Man’s Handbook
Of Dating And Relationship Success

10 Things Gadgets Internet

Rules for Digital Flirting

Sexting and other technological advances in today’s dating world have come a long way from dating rituals of yesteryear.

It was only a few short years ago when “can I have your pager number” went by the wayside for a more direct communication method – and even calling someone on their cellphone is slowly fading away into obscurity.

Where’s everyone’s manners, these days?

Flirting Dos and Don'ts
Flirting Do’s and Don’ts


No surprise: men interrupt conversations more than women do

Ever have a conversation with a man?

How hard is it to get a word in edgewise with them?  Pretty darn tough, isn’t it?  It’s surprising that men can even have a conversation with other men at all, isn’t it?

Interrupting Chicken
Interrupting Chicken