How To Science

7 Reasons Mosquitoes Love You

Every summer, you see it at the local Target or Wal-Mart: endcap after endcap of bug repellent and mosquito sprays.

OFF!, Cutter. Avon Skin-So-Soft. Wrist bands, citronella candles — there are tons of products that claim to repel mosquitos.  Some do a fairly good job, others not as much.  Then there’s the whole question of whether you should go DEET or DEET-FREE in your annoying bug management plan.

Avon Skin So Soft Bug Guard + Expedition Unscented 4 oz. Spray
Avon Skin So Soft Bug Guard
+ Expedition Unscented 4 oz. Spray

Science sports

Swimming pools are filled with sweat, saliva… and more

How many of Web Watch readers own a swimming pool?

Thought so.  It’s always a popular item for your FRIENDS to have, but it’s seldom something that you want to invest in yourself.  Some have said that a swimming pool is just a hole in the ground that you throw money into.  Add to the equation how hard it can be to sell a house that has a swimming pool — some people won’t mind or will openly embrace the pool being there.  Others will turn away from the pool at all costs, even if the rest of the house is perfect.

Sometimes owning a swimming pool just isn’t worth the time, hassle, and money for maintenance.

SharkVac Robot Pool Cleaner
SharkVac Robot Pool Cleaner

food Games Websites

Beer Pong can Kill You

As Web Watch told you earlier, BEER PONG is the MOST POPULAR DRINKING GAME around.

The premise is simple: throw a ball into a cup, make your opponent drink.  Web Watch has even been to the WORLD SERIES OF BEER PONG out in Las Vegas, and we’ll be the first to tell you that THAT event is a party and a half, even if the entry fee (including room, which cuts down on driving liability issues) starts at $500 per person.


News Science

Science proves what women have been saying all along: size does matter

Web Watch has reported it before, that SIZE DOES MATTER to women.

And yet, with all the empirical evidence surrounding us every day – such as women continually telling men this — scientists continue to do research on this allegedly very important topic.


Scientists can now see what you are dreaming

Everybody dreams while sleeping.

The key is whether you can remember what you’ve dreamt or not.  Some dreams are awesome, some are nightmarish – but all reflect some aspect of the subconscious (whether buried deep or not).

And, if you’re like most people, you may find yourself wishing that you could revisit your dream state to finish out the story that was being unraveled while you slept.

How To Music

How to Silence Earworms

Web Watch has told you about earworms before, those pesky little pieces of songs that get stuck in your head so you can’t get them out.

Earworms, for the music industry, are good – they prove that there really is such a thing as a song that you’ll never forget.

10 Things food Websites

Which is the Most Influential Beer of All Time?

Who doesn’t enjoy a good beer?

Okay – we see a few of you out there who are claiming to be more of a wine enthusiast.  And that’s okay – you can skip over this posting since there won’t be anything of interest to you here, unless you’re wanting to impress the beer lover in your life with your sudden knowledge of the Greatest Beers In The World.

10 Things food How To Science

The secret to losing weight? Eat more cheese

Especially as we get deeper into the holiday season, it becomes more and more important to monitor our food intake to ensure that when January 1st hits that we’ll have less extra poundage on our bodies to take off as part of that traditional New Year’s Resolution to lose weight.

So what should you do?  Avoid eating altogether?

Don’t be ridiculous.

But there is one thing that you can do, one small adjustment to your diet, that can work wonders.  And you may actually like it.