shopping Travel Websites

What is the minimum annual budget a family of four should plan?

Planning a future budget is one of the most difficult activities anyone can do.

It’s easy for you to look at a single monthly or weekly paycheck and determine where that money is going to be allocated to.  So much for rent or mortgage, this much for a car payment, these utilities and credit card bills need to be paid.  Don’t forget groceries, gas, and… oh yeah, the kids need new shoes for school next week.

But looking at the bigger picture, it can be daunting to plan three, six, or even twelve months down the line as you can’t always predict what you’re going to need to pay for beyond those regular set payments such as rent or a car note.

The Budget Kit: The Common Cents Money Management Workbook
The Budget Kit:
The Common Cents Money Management Workbook

shopping Travel

Where are the cheapest cigarettes?

There are lots of economic indicators you can use to determine if the local neighborhood pricing is more or less expensive than someplace down the road.

One common thing to compare is the BIG MAC INDEX, as the McDonald’s Big Mac is a fairly standard product that is sold around the world.  A Big Mac in Norway is going to be more expensive than a Big Mac in India.  Then again, the Big Mac in India is made from chicken instead of beef.. which may be part of the cost savings there.

Candy Cigarettes
Candy Cigarettes

How To Science

7 Reasons Mosquitoes Love You

Every summer, you see it at the local Target or Wal-Mart: endcap after endcap of bug repellent and mosquito sprays.

OFF!, Cutter. Avon Skin-So-Soft. Wrist bands, citronella candles — there are tons of products that claim to repel mosquitos.  Some do a fairly good job, others not as much.  Then there’s the whole question of whether you should go DEET or DEET-FREE in your annoying bug management plan.

Avon Skin So Soft Bug Guard + Expedition Unscented 4 oz. Spray
Avon Skin So Soft Bug Guard
+ Expedition Unscented 4 oz. Spray


Are you too old to wear a belly button ring?

Are you still wearing your high school gym clothes in your office gym?

Hanging out in your fraternity or sorority sweatshirt while you sit around the Chuck E Cheese with the other parents at birthday parties?

Do you insist on wearing your 1992 Olympics t-shirt for anything fancier than taking out the trash at midnight when nobody can see you?

If so, you may have a CLOTHING AGE PROBLEM, where you’re unwilling to part with those cherised apparel memories of a well-spent youth.

White Scorpion Belly Button Piercing
Scorpion Belly Piercing


What’s the Best American Novel ever written?

It is summer, and summertime can only mean one thing: the dreaded SUMMER READING LIST.

Remember those? You would be given a list of super-boring books that you absolutely had to read over the carefree sunny days spread out before you, and everyone always did the exact same thing:  everyone waited until two days before school was back in session for the Fall and rushed out to the store to buy the Cliffs Notes versions.

Smart kids would have purchased the Cliffs Notes earlier in the summer, while inventory levels were high.  Pity the kids who rushed to the local bookstore only to find the dreaded SOLD OUT sign on the rack.

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Case Studies in Critical Controversy)
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
(Case Studies in Critical Controversy)

How To

What your cat’s meow means

Do you know what your cat wants?

Yes, every cat basically wants to be left alone – we’re only there to provide food, water, and occasionally clean their litter box.  We are there to cater to a cat’s needs.

But once in a while, a cat will deem it necessary to communicate with their human caretaker.

Cat Butt Magnets
Cat Butt Magnets


Professional Tennis vs Drug Use: Who’s winning?

Web Watch has always thought that it would be interesting to see an “all drugs allowed” Olympics.

Let anyone who wanted to compete fire up the latest steroid or health enhancement and duke it out.  Everything would be on the up-and-up and open — which would be the key. All competitors would have to openly admit to what they were doping and be tested to prove it.

But you could do whatever you want.  In that type of wide-open sporting environment, let’s break some records with an asterisk to see what the human body could be stretched to do if given the chance.

Dope: A History of Performance Enhancement in Sports from the Nineteenth Century to Today
A History of Performance Enhancement in Sports
from the Nineteenth Century to Today

How To

How much poo does a hippo produce a day?

It’s a simple math problem:

You have a hippo.  You need to know how much poo a hippo produces a day.

What’s your process to determine this?

Let’s think this one through a bit, shall we?  It’s not like you can ask a hippo how much they weigh, let alone get the hippo up onto a scale at the end of the day.

So what’s a hippo poop researcher to do?

Hungry Hungry Hippo
Hungry Hungry Hippo