Games Travel TV

Competitours: The Amazing Race for Non-Reality-TV Whores

Last night, CBS pre-empted THE AMAZING RACE to show some lame awards show.  Don’t they realize that all the TAR fans want to do is watch Phil and the racers wander the world for our amusement?

Many of my friends have the same philosophy when it comes to appearing on a reality-TV show: they won’t do it.   (Granted, one person I know did whore himself out to the reality TV gods, and everything seemed to work out okay for him, so maybe my survey sample needs to be increased a little bit.)

Still, if you are interested in experiencing The Amazing Race as a vacation instead of as a game show, you will want to check out COMPETITOURS: THE AMAZING RACE FOR REGULAR PEOPLE.

Games Music TV Video

Two Golden Shower Videos

Golden Shower was a Brazilian band that hit the net in the early 2000’s, and over the next few years spent some time creating interesting mashups of video, electronica, and graphics. 

In 2002, Golden Shower released the song and video entitled TOTAL CONTROL, and began to win even more awards and recognition for their work.  The video is a tribute to the classic Tyco TCR race sets from the late 70’s-early 80’s.

Those of you who remember those Tyco TCR race car sets should have fond memories of the excitement an awesome TCR layout could be.   And it was always your friends who had the cool track setups, wasn’t it? 

Gambling Games TV

Lessons Learned from THE BEST DAMN POKER SHOW

I’ve been watching THE BEST DAMN POKER SHOW on Fox Sports Net. 

It’s a tournament-based series, with two teams of (mostly) amateur poker players competing against each other and coached by poker pros Annie Duke and Phil Hellmuth.  For whatever reason, I can’t watch most poker programs on TV, but shows like this one or Bravo’s prematurely cancelled CELEBRITY POKER SHOWDOWN that offer decent, approachable advice for the casual player (along with a little bit of personality and humor) are more entertainly watchable for me versus the more serious World Poker Tour or High Stakes Poker shows.

Besides, who wouldn’t want to get free poker advice from Annie Duke, Phil Hellmuth, or Phil Gordon (an early commentator on CPS)?  As such, I turn you to one small piece of advice learned from season 2, episode 5, of The Best Damn Poker Show

Games How To News Websites

How to Improve Your Scrabble Play

All you need to do is learn some new 2- and 3-letter words.

In what appears to be a bad case of timing from their reporters, The Wall Street Journal finally reported this week of a dramatic change in the world of Scrabble that took place in October 2005: 


Words such as “ZA”, “QI”, and “ZZZ” were added recently, according to the WSJ.  Apparently, “recently” means “in the past 4-5 years” to them.

Regardless, here at Web Watch we believe in making sure that you are not sucked into the same vortex of bad Scrabble-playing that the WSJ would lead you down if you had to wait a few years to discover that there had been a Scrabble dictionary update.  So here are the list of handy two- and three- letter words that you should have at the ready the next time you need to impress your Scrabble-playing friends…along with the unexpected WSJ followup:


Flash Fun: Hex Empire

hexempireHEX EMPIRE is a Risk-like strategy game, where the object is to destroy your three computer opponents and take over their capital cities.

Unlike RISK, each map is randomly generated, which tends to keep the game fresh.  At the beginning of the game, you select which of the four capitals you want to defend.  Your capital, and every other city under your power, will automatically generate new armies each turn.

Each turn, you can move up to five army units.  You can move a unit up to two spaces away from their current location (either to an empty space or to initiate a fight by moving onto an enemy-occupied position), you can combine units into a larger single unit, or you can move units onto or off of a boat if you would like to attack by sea.

Each unit can grow up to 99 strength. There is also a secondary number associated with each unit: courage.  You will win a fight if your strength is higher than your opponents’, but if the opponents have more courage than your units have, then you may find yourself in trouble.

The gameplay is fairly straightforward, but there is a little strategy involved with how to best use your five moves each turn.  You’ll often find yourself with a bounty of 99-sized units sitting in the back of your defense area, but not enough moves to get them where they can be useful in a fight.

Still, if you’re looking for a few minutes of diversion, it’s a good implementation of a turn-based strategy game.  Each game can take up to 20 minutes or so to play.



disinfectcoreDISINFECT THE CORE is a quick little brain teaser/game that should keep you occupied for a few minutes over your lunch hour.

Your opponent is the red “virus” that has infected the computer’s core.  You are the green “antivirus” trying to prevent the red virus from taking over the 300+ spaces on the game board.

Each turn, all you have to do is click on one of your arrows.  The arrow will rotate clockwise 90 degrees, changing its connection from one dot to the next.  You can only click on arrows of your own color (neutral or opponent arrows won’t move for you).  Every connection you make has the potential of expanding your green influence across the game board – but remember, red is doing the same thing with its arrows.

If you run out of green arrows to click on, or if the gameboard turns completely red, then you have lost.

Strategy?  Make sure you always have an arrow or two pointed 90 degrees away from the red infection.  That way, you won’t waste a turn or two merely rotating an arrow into position.

Music News Video Games

Making Money at Guitar Hero

If you’re a band trying to make it big by touring college campuses (like I LOVE COLLEGE‘s Asher Roth) or just waiting to sign a deal with a label (and finding out with a music royalty calculator that you owe more to the label than they’re paying you), then maybe you need to rethink your game.

Maybe you need to focus your energy on making music for Guitar Hero and not for CDs and MP3 downloads.

Why?  Because that’s where the real money is these days.  Video games and music tie-ins.  Heck, the music-related video games like Guitar Hero, Rock Band, and others pulled in US$2.3 billion in three years.


Flash Fun: Totem Destroyer 2

Totem Destroyer 2
Totem Destroyer 2

TOTEM DESTROYER 2 is a Flash puzzler that asks you to destroy different types of blocks in such a way that the golden idol will land on the final black block.

Some blocks are normal, some explode things around them, while others want to follow their own laws of physics. 

The nice thing about this game is that it resets each level for you automatically, so you don’t have to continually go back to the level menu to select your starting place.  And if your idol starts to fall the wrong way, you can just press R to instantly reset the level.  It’s a good game design for puzzles of this type, as it helps to eliminate that do-over frustration that some puzzles have.