10 Things Websites

Think your job sucks? It can’t suck any worse than one of these (where’s Mike Rowe?)

Jobs that Don't Suck

Web Watch has long held the belief that one of the worst jobs one could have would be the editor of a fishing show:

“nothing…. nothing…. nothing…. wait, what’s that?   Oh, never mind.   Nothing… nothing… nothing…”

Yes, we stole that joke from someone, but the sentiment remains the same.  Not all cool-sounding jobs are all they’re cracked up to be. 

Some jobs really do suck.  And Mike Rowe and his DIRTY JOBS team has done a great job of showcasing some of those jobs and the people who are proud to do what other folks refuse to try.  But he may have missed one or two jobs along the way.


How much money can you make by blogging? Try $7.50/hour

Secrets to Blogging to a 6-figure salary

Bloggers, being the new century journalists that they are (yes, we’re thinking of you Perez!), have to walk a fine line between the low-cost of entry to the world of online publishing and the low-cost return on investment they get on what they’re writing about.

This does explain the current glut of blog-as-book deals that Web Watch has shown you over the past few months, because mama bloggers gotta eat, and blogging by itself just isn’t enough to pay the bills.

Book Gambling How To shopping

Read This Book: William Poundstone’s PRICELESS – THE MYTH OF FAIR VALUE

Priceless: The Myth of Fair Value

William Poundstone is one of Web Watch’s favorite writers, having written many books around the same theme of exposing various ways that professionals (magicians, street crooks, carnies, casinos, etc) lie, cheat, and steal their way into your wallet.  

Some of Mr Poundstone’s books that you may already be aware of include:

All are great reads and lots of fun.

And now Mr Poundstone adds to his roster with PRICELESS – THE MYTH OF FAIR VALUE AND HOW TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT.  

Funny Websites

Slogan Mashup of the Day: Excessive Gas? Captain Says “Make it Happen”

Phrases that SellHAVE A SLOGAN is one of those funny widget-driven sites that follow in the footsteps of many a  “why didn’t we think of this sooner” item.

You know that game you play in the bar where you take any common marketing phrase or famous quote and see how much funnier it can be if you were substitute one key word with “fart” or “underpants”?  Let’s try it, shall we?

  • Give me liberty or give me underpants!
  • I regret that I have but one fart to give to this country.
  • One if by land, two if by underpants!
  • A fart in the hand is worth two in the underpants.

(Why underpants?  Because a clown once told me – seriously – that there is nothing funnier to a 5-year-old child than the word “underpants”.  There’s a reason why Captain Underpants is so popular with the kiddies. But we digress…)

Internet shopping Video Websites

Love Jingles – for all your custom jingle needs

How to get into JinglesRemember Jason Sadler?  He’s the guy who would WEAR YOUR SHIRT for one day and market whatever message is on the shirt that you provide.  He’s been able to make a decent living at this, charging anywhere from $1 to $365 per day, depending on the day of the year that you have requested his services.

Jason has inspired Love Harnell with his tale of how to be a successful Internet entrepreneur, so Love sat down to figure out what HE could charge up to $365 per day to do.

And since Love Harnell has an unusual hobby, he decided to make that his Internet business.

Gadgets Websites

Pop Quiz: Can you name the #1 selling paper clip brand?

paper clip cufflinksCan you name the #1 selling brand of paper clips?

It’s a simple question.  It should be obvious.

For every product in the world, there is a single top selling brand.  Some items are easy to name as the top selling brand in their categories:  Budweiser (or Bud Light if you need to be a stickler).  Coca-Cola (ditto for Diet Coke, again depending on your point of view).  Bic pens are ubiqitious, but at least you know who Bic is and that they are a pen manufacturer.

But the paper clip is even more common. 

And chances are you still haven’t thought of even one manufacturer of paper clips, let alone a brand name, by the time you’ve read this far.

Gadgets How To Music Websites

How to Calculate Music Royalties with this Album Sales Calculator

Beatles for SaleA few years ago, Web Watch posted a piece on using a MUSIC ROYALTY CALCULATOR TO DETERMINE ALBUM PROFITS, and we thought that it was a good time to revisit that topic.


Because many things have changed in the music industry since we we wrote that original piece.  That music royalty calculator link is still valid, but we found another one that you might want to look at as well.


Your share of the US debt is $39,000. Pay up.

Yankees Piggy BankHave you done your part to pay down the national debt?

Your share is just $39,000.  In the big picture, that really isn’t all that much if you think about it.