Disney How To

Learn how to tell a story, the Pixar way

A few months back, Web Watch told you about how Hemingway chose to write: be as concise as possible, don’t say in six words what you say in five.

Storytelling – whether it be written or verbal, for fun or for profit – is not something that comes naturally to everyone.  It’s another reason why public speaking can be so difficult, as well.  People naturally like to wander in their conversations, and becoming laser-focused on what you’re trying to say is a skillset that not everyone has.

Why take 20 minutes to tell a story when you can say the same thing in five minutes?  You can always expand on what you’re talking about, especially as part of a continued conversation.  But don’t give everything away on your own – your audience will become quickly bored.

So what should you do?

10 Things News Websites

Can YOU name the Top 100 Global Brands for 2012?

Even if you’re one of those Occupy Wall Streeters, complaining about everything that Big Business is doing to Keep You Down, chances are you’re also a little bit brand conscious.

Aside from the fact that the OWS movement went to all the trouble of ensuring that they have a trademark on “OCCUPY WALL STREET”, those 99% really aren’t any different from the rest of us.

They’re wearing name-brand clothing, purchased at a name-brand retailer.

They’re marketing their protest with Apple and Google phones, using Facebook and Twitter over cellular networks or purloined free WiFi connections that are setup/maintained/paid for by other corporations.

A protest is fine, and bringing attention to companies’ misdeeds is powerful — but don’t complain about how all businesses are bad if you have to rely on them in order to handle your protest in the first place.

See, it really IS all about branding and marketing, isn’t it?


10 Things Disney Travel

The World’s Best Tourists for 2011

Web Watch does love to travel, and when we do we try to be the best, most considerate traveler we can be.

It’s not always like that, however.

We often find ourselves trying to be extra-polite to cover for those miscreants we run across who just give tourists a bad name.   They’re the ones who really ruin siteseeing for everyone.

Do we really need to have a gum-filled wall in Seattle? 

Really?    Well, it might be considered “art” there… but it’s certainly not considered “art” when seen in a queue line at the local amusement park, is it?

Nope, there it’s just tacky, tacky.  Literally, in some places.

Disney Funny Video

Video Fun: Apparently, you CAN get arrested at Disneyland. Peppersprayed, too

Disneyland and Walt Disney World are often referred to as the “Happiest Places on Earth”.

And for good reason.

But there is an underbelly that seldom sees the light of day.  And it proves that even with the fantasy worlds that Walt built, sometimes people crack a bit under the pressure to always have a good time and escape.

Perhaps there’s a reason that alcohol is hard to find at the Magic Kingdom (unless, of course, you know where to look).

Let’s take a look at how Disney’s professional security teams deal with unruly, and occasionally violent, guests:

Disney Websites

Disney Princesses in Real Life, a photo essay

Jirka Väätäinen is a Finnish design student at Bournemouth, and he wants to be very clear that his name is pronounced “Yirka”, not “Jerk-a”.

Web Watch has no reason to quibble with him on this, as he’s doing some phenomenal work on RE-IMAGINING DISNEY PRINCESSES as if they were real-life people.

Sure, we’ve seen some other examples of this with live models, but Jirka is taking a slightly different approach on this with his photo-realistic, manipulations that are designed to showcase what the Disney Princess would look like as an actual person.

Not a cartoon caricature, but really-for-real people.

Let’s take a quick look… 

10 Things sports

When can we use the phrase “Super Bowl”? And other Super Legalities you should be aware of

One question that Web Watch hears a lot from our friends is “Why do some businesses use the term THE BIG GAME or PIGSKIN PARTY, while others use the term SUPER BOWL in their promotional material?” We’ve noticed this ourselves, and are often amused at the lengths some companies go to in associating themselves as being a part of the Professional Football Championship Game without actually mentioning any of the NFL’s trademarks.

Web Watch is not a lawyer, nor are we involved/affiliated with the Super Bowl, the NFL, and its various properties – but we can certainly share some of the things that we’ve learned over the years. Take the following as helpful suggestions, but if you are planning on using any of the NFL’s trademarks yourself – you may want to check with your own legal department and/or followup with the NFL themselves for your own DOs and DONTs list.

Disney Movies Music Video

Video Fun: Disney and Pixar Movies remixed into Pop Music

Innovate the Pixar Way: Business Lessons from the World's Most Creative Corporate Playground
Innovate the Pixar Way:
Business Lessons from the World’s Most Creative Corporate Playground

Web Watch is always amazed at the creativity that the Internet has sparked.

Maybe that creativity and innovation has always been there, but the Internet has certainly made finding these things more exciting and accessible to all.

So when we stumbled upon this remix of audio clips from the FRESH PRINCE OF BEL-AIR, we thought that we’d take a look to see what else POGOMIX has done.

And that’s when we discovered this treasure trove of audio remixes from various DISNEY and PIXAR films.   Watch below, and enjoy…

Disney Websites

What if Disney Princesses were tattooed and pierced?

Disney Princess Tattoos
Disney Princess Tattoos

Disney Princesses have inspired many fantasies, for girls and boys alike.

Girls, because they want to be just as glamorous, rich, desired… and more recently, smart and self-sufficient.   

Web Watch has covered the Disney Princess phenomenon in the past, from both a business and a fantasy viewpoint (Briana Garcia and her Funny Disney Princesses being a popular page here on Web Watch).

So why do boys like the Disney Princesses?  Because let’s face it — in the right circumstance, Disney Princesses can be hot.  Heck, how can you explain why seven dwarves fought over Snow White?