Funny Music Video

Video Fun: Unexpected Music Mashups

Mashed Up: Music, Technology, and the Rise of Configurable Culture
Mashed Up: Music, Technology, and the Rise of Configurable Culture

Web Watch has covered music mashups before, but here’s a slightly different take for your amusement:  what happens when you SING THE LYRICS OF ONE SONG TO THE MELODY OF ANOTHER?  That what ROB BRYDON and others do here on I’M SORRY I HAVEN’T A CLUE.

It’s almost the same as HOW TO WRITE THE PERFECT POP SONG, where you can use the same four chords to cover any number of different songs.  Perhaps all you really need to do is take a listen:

10 Things food Gadgets

We salute you, Mariano Martinez, for inventing the frozen margarita machine

Frozen Margarita Machine
Frozen Margarita Machine

Mariano Martinez.

When you hear his name, you should raise your salt-rimmed glass high in the air and sing his name proudly.

Why?  Because without his ingenuity, we would not be sipping this frozen concoction that helps us hang on.

Book food Gadgets How To shopping Websites

Zombie Fun: How to “Eat Your Face” for Halloween

Special Effects Cookbook
Special Effects Cookbook

Mike Samonek wants you to play with your food.

That’s part of the reason he came up with the SPECIAL EFFECTS COOKBOOK and Special Effects cooking website, as a way to encourage experimentation in the kitchen and having fun while you eat.

Some of the recipes that are featured include:

Disney TV Websites

Disney theme park-related TV listings – Still waiting on Finding Kraftland

Modern Marvels - Walt Disney World
Modern Marvels – Walt Disney World

You shouldn’t have to guess that Web Watch has “Disney” coded as a search term on one of our TiVos, in order to record the latest television program about any of the Disney-theme parks.

With it, TiVo automatically records anything and everything that it thinks we might be interested in.  We’ve seen any number of Food Network-related programming, and practically every airing of  The History Channel’s MODERN MARVELS that seems to air about once every two weeks. 

And that episode where Full House visits Walt Disney World?  Yup – seen that more times than we care to, thanks to TiVo.

How To Music shopping

How to Dress like Lady Gaga

Light-up neon glow shoelaces
Light-Up Battery-Powered Shoe Laces

After Web Watch posted about the TOP TEN HALLOWEEN COSTUMES FOR 2010, we received numerous requests about one of the entries: LADY GAGA.

So here is Web Watch’s GUIDE TO HOW TO DRESS LIKE LADY GAGA for Halloween.

First, let’s get some tips directly from Lady Gaga herself:

10 Things Travel Websites

How to Create a Haunted House, and Make Money Doing It

Haunted House Halloween Handbook Haunted House Halloween Handbook

Web Watch loves Halloween – more for the experience of visiting what could be used as a local movie set at elaborate haunted house attractions rather than the handing out of candy to neighborhood brats. Because those creative individuals who spend all year working on an immersive Halloween experience really deserve kudos for the effort they put into spending a month scaring the hell out of all their guests. One question that Web Watch wanted to figure out the answer to was HOW MUCH MONEY DO HAUNTED HOUSE ATTRACTIONS MAKE EACH YEAR? Is it a profitable business?  Using some rough math, Web Watch can guess that the following is a reasonable estimate on haunted house earnings:

News shopping

Women poop less when they wear underwire bras

Underwire Bra Pattern
Underwire Bra Pattern

Researchers at Nara Women’s University’s Department of Environmental Health held a study to determine IF WEARING AN UNDERWIRE BRA EFFECTED A WOMAN’S ABILITY TO POOP.  The theory was that the bra exerted pressure on the body; does this added pressure have an effect?