10 Things Gambling How To

What are the odds of killing yourself when playing Russian Roulette?

What are the odds of killing yourself while playing Russian Roulette?

Web Watch doesn’t really know why this question was asked on the Internet, but it was – and it’s our duty to share this information with our faithful Web Watch readers.

Because one never knows when one will find themselves in a Russian Roulette game where this may come into play.

Of course, you can always make it Beer Roulette, where you guess as to which one of the beers in the 6-pack has been shaken up.  It’s a waste of a good can of beer, but it’s infinitely funnier.


In some divorces, couples fight over who gets the toilet paper

In some divorces, couples fight over who gets the toilet paper.

One of Web Watch’s friends wanted out of his marriage so badly, he left everything behind. The ex-wife got everything – including his clothes.  He felt it was easier to just replace all his stuff then it was to have to deal with her in any way.

Yeah, that was a rough divorce, but rest assured that he’s in a much, much happier place now.



Quitting your job in spectacular fashion

Have you ever quit your job?

Web Watch knows someone who didn’t actually quit their job – they just stopped showing up while they went to work elsewhere.  The employer kept paying them and kept them on the payroll for months, before figuring out that person wasn’t going to come back.  It was more of a quiet, subtle quit process.

But quitting can bring such joy to people, if they do it with passion.

How To Internet

Has your website been plagiarized?

Web Watch has been around for quite a number of years now, having presented our faithful readers with thousands of websites, videos, news articles, and other tidbits of helpful information along the way.

And with that type of success online, we’re also subjected to having our content stolen.

It’s true — and we’ve had to file cease & desist notices to a number of websites that copied our original content and presented it as their own.

Silly rabbit – just because it’s posted on the Internet doesn’t mean that it’s free for the taking.

10 Things News Travel

Canadians hate sex

Apparently, Canadians hate sex.

To be fair, it’s not all Canadians, and it’s not that they hate sex — it’s just that some Canadians have sex lower on their priority scale than other things.

Funny Games How To Internet

Feeling Lucky? How to use Google for Fun!


Looking for something fun to do?

Why not take a few minutes to poke around with Google?

(“Hey, Web Watch – we already know how to use Google,” you say.  Of course you do.  But here’s how to have FUN with Google search…)

10 Things Funny Music

The Worst Stripper Songs, Ever

So the other day, Web Watch was having some drinks with friends when the topic of party music came up.

Of course, we all broke out singing Red Solo Cup at the top of our lungs, much to the chagrin of our host as they had banned that song from any and all gatherings that they partake in.

Which only prompted us to sing the song louder and at every available opportunity.

And that’s when the conversation shifted from FUN PARTY SONGS to WORST SONGS FOR STRIPPERS TO DANCE TO.

The overall winner?

Funny Gadgets Internet shopping Websites

What’s a BOC? If it’s from WOOT, it’s either a Bucket of Chum or Basket of Candles!

Well, another one has finally arrived.

The WOOT.COM BOC (affectionately known as a “Bag of Crap”, or any other acronym that contains the letters “B.O.C.”) is here.

As Web Watch previously told you about when we ordered our WOOT BANDOLIER OF CARROTS, WOOT.COM occasionally offers grab bags of assorted merchandise for $3 (plus $5 shipping and handling).  When you place your order, you have no idea what you’re going to get.

Just like the TV show LET’S MAKE A DEAL, sometimes you’ll end up with the most awesome prize ever, or you might get zonked.

Let’s take a look at what Web Watch hauled in this time around for our $8 investment: