food How To

These 7 “healthy” foods may actually be bad for you

When you’re on a diet, you tend to dramatically change your eating habits in order to comply with the menu you’ve put together.

Whether it be South Beach, Atkins, Weight Watchers — every diet requires self-discipline and monitoring, in addition to switching out all the yummy fun sugary carbs with lots of boring vegetables and fruits.


Another #1 Little Secret That Diet Gurus Don't Want You to Know: (Diets Don't Work, So Stop Hitting Your Head Against the WALL!
Another #1 Little Secret That Diet Gurus Don’t Want You to Know: (Diets Don’t Work, So Stop Hitting Your Head Against the WALL!

10 Things Travel

Which cities have the worst urban sprawl?

Urban sprawl is bad for our health.

Whether it’s because we’re stuck in traffic, trying to get from one side of town to another, or if its a strain on public resources like power and water, cities that are too large can be a big negative in how we live our everyday lives.

Web Watch knows people who live in one part of town who seldom venture beyond a 10 mile radius, being perfectly happy living and working close to where they live. Others, we know, are happy to drive an hour or more to see a movie or eat a casual meal at a restaurant they’ve heard about.

Urban Sprawl and Public Health: Designing, Planning, and Building for Healthy Communities
Urban Sprawl and Public Health:
Designing, Planning, and Building for Healthy Communities

How To

What’s the best time to nap?

Remember when you were young, and your parents kept telling you to take a nap and you didn’t want to?

Now you’re older and all you would love to do is to take a nap at the office, if only for a little bit?

And you’re looking forward to those days in retirement where you can take a nap any darn time you’d like – just because you can?

Naptime Is the New Happy Hour: And Other Ways Toddlers Turn Your Life Upside Down
Naptime Is the New Happy Hour:
And Other Ways Toddlers Turn Your Life Upside Down

Music Video

Phil Collins – Like you’ve never heard him before

It was THE album of the mid 1980’s.  Phil Collins was everywhere, man.

Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight
Phil Collins – In The Air Tonight


It’s BACON – and it’s KOSHER for Passover!

Everybody is familiar with what “kosher” food is, right?  You see the little “circle K” or “circle U” on food labels as the indicator of that product meeting certain religious preparation standards.

For example, for the longest time Oreo cookies were never kosher – sweet tooths had to be satisfied by eating Hydrox cookies instead.

Passover, on the other hand, has a more special label and marketing behind it at the supermarket.  That’s where you may see a more elaborate display indicating foods that are “Certified Kosher for Passover” rather than being merely “kosher”.

Kosher for Passover requires the food to be made without ingredients that shouldn’t be eaten during the Passover holiday – this food, like Wonder Bread and cakes and most beers – all contain yeast.  And yeast is apparently evil of evils and must be disposed of before the Passover seder can begin.  All those foods that can’t be eaten during Passover are classified as “chometz”.

But guess what?  Bacon – and we’re talking full-on pork bacon, not that whimpy turkey bacon – can be classified and eaten as “Kosher for Passover”.

News Websites

What is your favorite number? (Don’t tell us, we already know)

There’s a reason that magicians and casinos both can fool you and take your money.

It’s all about the math.  The probability.  The statistics.

It’s about identifying the key common trait that everybody has, but is afraid to admit.  If a magician asks you to pick a card, which card do you always pick?  Do you think of one card, and then immediately switch to some other card (saying to yourself, “aha! they wanted me to pick that first card that came to my head, but I’ll show them”)…. only to find yourself at the end looking directly at the magician presenting you with The Card You Picked!?!?:!

It’s not always luck.

The Grapes of Math: How Life Reflects Numbers and Numbers Reflect Life
The Grapes of Math:
How Life Reflects Numbers and Numbers Reflect Life


Twitter Users more likely to cheat on spouses, get divorced

If you’re a Twitter user, then you may want to pay attention a little bit to the following.

If you tweet a LOT, then you may want to pull up a chair – you’re going to be here for a while.

In the Belly of the Fail Whale: How Twitter Changed My Life In One Year
In the Belly of the Fail Whale:
How Twitter Changed My Life In One Year

10 Things sports

The Dallas Cowboys are “America’s Team”. But who’s number two on the list?

It’s been oft-said that the DALLAS COWBOYS are “AMERICA’S TEAM”, at least when it comes to football.

The Atlanta Braves claimed the same title for themselves for their ubiquitousness of games seen nationally on SUPERSTATION TBS back in the day.

Dallas Cowboys Duck Tape
Dallas Cowboys Duck Tape