Funny Websites

See the Mugshot, Name the Crime

Time to play another game of NAME THE CRIME FOR THE MUGSHOT, with pictures courtesy of MUGSHOT DU JOUR.

The game is easy – look at the mugshot, then determine what the crime the person is being accused of.  It’s fun for the whole family!

Funny Websites

Then and Now Photos

Here’s something for you to do at your next family reunion – you know all those old childhood photos that you have lying around the house or in some photo album buried somewhere?

Now that you have all the participants together again, why not try to recreate the photo in as close to place, pose, and outfits as you can.

Then, post those photos up at THEN AND NOW PHOTOS. Join the party!

How To Websites

How To Improve Gas Mileage

It’s looking like the price of gas could hit $4 or even $5 a gallon this year, hitting everybody hard in the wallet as prices all across the board go up to meet this extra expense. Here are four sites that you can use to help maximize your gas station dollar:

Disney food Websites

The Top Earning Restaurants in the Country

Looking at restaurant ratings is always entertaining, and RESTAURANTS & INSTITUTIONS magazine has posted a few of their “top” lists for 2007.

TOP INDEPENDENT RESTAURANTS: Sure, the Tao nightclub at the Venetian in Las Vegas would rank number one – they have all those celebrities coming in at all hours of the night, dropping $55m in food and beverage sales (600,000 meals at an average $70 ticket does that). Tavern on the Green in New York comes in 2nd, followed by Joe’s Stone Crab in Miami Beach. Yes, there are the usual New York, Las Vegas, and Washington DC suspects… but here’s where it gets interesting:

News Websites

The Most Perfect Breasts in the World (scientifically speaking, of course)

Leave it to those wacky scientists – one has discovered the SECRET FORMULA FOR PERFECT BREASTS.

In a paper entitled “Concepts in Design for Breast Augmentation” being presented at a breast enlargement conference being held in London this week, scientist Patrick Mallucciwill share the findings that he came up with after studying hundreds of topless celebrity photos.

Mallucci said, “I studied a wide variety of photographs of the most popular topless models to work out the various proportions they had in common and what made those particular features attractive.”

Funny Websites

Great Moments in Parenting Blog

If you have kids and want to laugh at other parents’ misery, you will want to check out ONE GOOD THING’s HUMILIATING MOMENTS IN PARENTING blog, if only for this one classic part of the post:

For hands-down humiliation, however, I haven’t yet been able to top my neighbor’s misery, when his three year old daughter interrupted his poker game by running naked into the room and screaming with a joyous voice of discovery, “DADDY! DID YOU KNOW? I COME WITH MY OWN POCKET! AND IT CAN HOLD A PEN! LOOK!”

shopping Websites

The Bra Strap Police

Do you suffer from “Ugly Bra Strap Syndrome”?

Once regulated to mere underwear, never to be seen bra straps have been peeking out from celebrity clothing more and more over the past few years.

And Margarita Reis, owner of bra company Margaria Couture, says that all these exposed bra straps are, well, getting a bit out of hand.

Funny Websites

The Tackiest Christmas Light Displays Ever

Do you know what HOUSEBLINGING is?

It’s the art of decorating a house for the holidays with the gaudiest, brightest, tackiest displays of… well, stuff.

I’m talking about the stuff that would make a house one of the regular stops on your family’s annual Tacky Light Tour drive-by.

We’re talking lights that can be seen from orbit, they’re so bright.

A light display that puts the Las Vegas Strip to shame.

Yeah, buddy – we’re talking about your house.