10 Things shopping

Women would rather have bigger breasts than be smart

“Math is Hard. Let’s go shopping!”

Ah, remember when Barbie actually said that, and the uproar that came from concerned parents that thought that Barbie wasn’t being a proper role model by encouraging young women that being smart wasn’t nearly as important as going out shopping?

Well, maybe the folks at Mattel were ahead of their time with this.



Did Susan G Komen make the right decision?

Pink Darth Vader Helmet
Pink Darth Vader Helmet
(because even though Darth Vader is evil, he still supports the fight against Breast Cancer)

Today, Web Watch received a flood of emails from friends and family regarding the Susan G. Komen Foundation pulling their financial contributions to Planned Parenthood.

There is even a petition asking Susan G Komen to restore their relationship with Planned Parenthood.

That there is controversy surrounding what the Susan G Komen Foundation does with their money, and that there is a brouhaha surrounding the marketing of the pink ribbon to raise money for breast cancer research, is nothing new.  The people who are commenting on the petition are acting all shocked and surprised that Such A Thing Is Going On, when Web Watch has told you about this for years.

Gadgets How To Science Websites

Now your poop can be like art, with all the colors of the rainbow

Girls Don't Poop
Girls Don’t Poop

Web Watch told you about Dr Stool a few years ago, where you can get all your poop questions that you never knew you had answered.

And if Dr Stool wasn’t enough, you could always head over to SMELLY POOP, an educational website that that answers the question, “What other colors of poop are possible?”

And according to them, you can get red, white, brown, yellow… even blue poop!  Yup, you really are what you eat, and any good physician will tell you that all they need to really diagnose any health issue that you may have it to analyze a stool sample.

How To

It’s true: Men can tell when a woman is having her period, just by listening to her

Period.: A Girl's Guide
Period.: A Girl’s Guide

If there’s one thing that men have learned over the years, it’s that women can be moody once in a while.

And we all know what one of those causes of mood swings can be, don’t we?  Yes, yes we do.

But there is something that scientists have discovered that can help men avoid being in the line of fire when that moody time comes around… and it’s not nearly as complicated as keeping a diary of their own to document those moments.

food Science

Looking for gluten-free beer? Your choices may be more limited than you think

Gluten-Free Baking Classics
Gluten-Free Baking Classics

If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from gluten allergy (also known as celiac disease), or just want to limit the amount of gluten that you ingest on a daily basis to something a bit more tolerable for your body, then you may want to read a recent study that came out that did some analysis on one item that almost requires gluten to exist in the first place:


Yes, there are many gluten-free beers on the market today, but how many of them are labeled correctly with the term “gluten-free” if they actually contain gluten?

Funny Science sports Video

“Mastering One’s Domain” is now a professional sport?!? (Give that guy a hand!)

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Repetitive Stress Injuries: The Comprehensive Guide to Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Repetitive Stress Injuries:
The Comprehensive Guide to Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery

Web Watch will warn you: the below video contains some imagery, topic matter, and other material that may not be suitable for all ages.

What is it about?

10 Things Science sports

If the NFL has the worst percentage of sports injuries, what is number two?

Confessions of a Wannabe Cheerleader
Confessions of a Wannabe Cheerleader

We all know that NFL players are some of the most injured sports athletes around.

According to the National Center of Catastrohopic Injury Research, 97% of all catastrophic sports injuries happened to NFL players.

What’s a “catastrophic sports injury”?  Something that leads to paralysis or death.

So let’s take a look at what sport is number two on the Center’s list:

10 Things How To Travel

How to avoid getting sick when travelling by plane


It’s the holiday travel season, and tons of Web Watch readers are going to find themselves flying on a crowded plane, more than likely sitting next to somebody who’s just getting over the flu.

It’s like the giant lottery of luck, who you get to sit next to on the plane. Everybody eyes the other people at the terminal, wondering who gets to be lucky enough to sit next to that young attractive man or woman while avoiding eye contact with that overweight, unwashed hairy dude wearing a torn muscle shirt.
