food Science

Are your children fat? Blame all that soda you’re feeding them

Have you seen the reports from all the elementary and middle schools that are removing soda machines from their hallways?

Those communities are fed up with the amount of junk food that kids today are consuming, and they figure that if they can remove the soda machines from the classroom – that will automatically start making kids healthier.

In some regard, it ends up that those communities may be right after all.

10 Things Book food

The 5 Grossest Foods You’re Eating RIGHT NOW

Web Watch isn’t the best to tell you what you should or shouldn’t be eating, most likely because we would never listen to a thing we say about this (“do as we say, not as we do” doesn’t apply to us, it seems).

But our good friends over at EAT THIS, NOT THAT have come up with a list of the FIVE GROSSEST THINGS YOU’RE EATING that will probably make you think again about the crap that you’re putting into your body every day.


food Websites

Women love to snack. Surprised? We aren’t.

The Stop Solution - Stop Yo-Yo Dieting, Snacking And Big Portions - Hypnosis
The Stop Solution – Stop Yo-Yo Dieting, Snacking And Big Portions – Hypnosis

Who doesn’t like to have a snack or two between meals?

Web Watch has been known to grab a 3pm bowl of popcorn while at the office.  Snickers and 5-Hour Energy have entire advertising campaigns around mid-day snacking.

So we shouldn’t be surprised about what the ALMOND BOARD OF CALIFORNIA found out after survying over 400 women aged 35 and over.

10 Things Funny

The 27 Rules of Conquering the Gym

12 hassle-free exercises that you can do while watching TV
12 hassle-free exercises that you can do while watching TV

Now that we’re fully into the new year, it’s time to revisit that age-old New Year’s Resolution, GOING TO THE GYM MORE OFTEN.

Those of us who are smart will take the first six weeks of the year and NOT go to the gym on a regular basis, as then we have to deal with the newbie idiots who’ve never been to the gym before but feel that it’s necessary in order to Feel Good About Themselves Because They’re Sticking to their New Year’s Resolution.

Those people can suck it, because they’re not going to be around the gym any more after the Super Bowl is over.  We all know that January is the worst time to try to use the gym since it’s more crowded than it needs to be.

food Science

Looking for gluten-free beer? Your choices may be more limited than you think

Gluten-Free Baking Classics
Gluten-Free Baking Classics

If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from gluten allergy (also known as celiac disease), or just want to limit the amount of gluten that you ingest on a daily basis to something a bit more tolerable for your body, then you may want to read a recent study that came out that did some analysis on one item that almost requires gluten to exist in the first place:


Yes, there are many gluten-free beers on the market today, but how many of them are labeled correctly with the term “gluten-free” if they actually contain gluten?

10 Things food Science

Seven foods that you should never, ever eat

Eat This Not That 2012
Eat This Not That 2012

Sometimes you really are what you eat.

Prevention Magazine took a look at some common household grocery items, consulted with healthcare experts, and came up with a list of SEVEN FOODS THAT YOU SHOULD NEVER EAT.

food How To Science

There’s no such thing as the “Freshman 15”. (The cake is also a lie.)

The Freshman 15 Workout
The Freshman 15 Workout

You know all those stories about college girls gaining weight in their first year of school?  The dreaded “Freshman 15”?

Yeah, it’s a total lie.

That’s right — freshmen do NOT gain 15 extra pounds when they’re away at college due to the awesomeness of the college cafeteria meal plan.

10 Things How To

Top 20 Fitness Trends for 2012

Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation System DVD
Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation System

With Halloween right around the corner, we’re at the start of the annual Winter Get Fat season (comprised of Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day — combined with all those weekly college and pro sports that require copious amounts of beer and wings every week).

So it should come as no surprise that fitness companies are already figuring out what they need to do in order to help us stay fit and healthy — or at the very least, get us back on the healthy road for the rest of the year come January 1st.