News Science

Science proves what women have been saying all along: size does matter

Web Watch has reported it before, that SIZE DOES MATTER to women.

And yet, with all the empirical evidence surrounding us every day – such as women continually telling men this — scientists continue to do research on this allegedly very important topic.


The number one reason why teenagers should never date

We were all teenagers once.

And come Springtime, they say, is when a young heart turns to finding love.   Well, maybe not “love” per se, but how about “strong like”?

Being a teenager is a tough time with lots of challenges due to the lack of experience that being in ones’ twenties gives you the proper perspective on.  Adults may not always have all the answers, but they’ve lived through the same struggles that teenagers are going through today – if only the teens in their lives would think to ask for that advice.


Update on Girls Gone Wild lawsuit

So a few years ago, Web Watch wrote about a woman who LOST A LAWSUIT AGAINST GIRLS GONE WILD regarding her appearance in a Girls Gone Wild video, even though she is on film saying “no, I will not do this”.

The jury said that there was “implied consent” just for Tamara Favazza being present in the bar where the filming was going on, regardless of whether she willingly removed her top on her own (which she did not do).

News sports Websites

The World Record Vagina (you can have one, too!)

Have you ever wanted to set a Guinness World Record?

Web Watch has offered other World Record suggestions in the past, but there’s something to be said for carving out your own niche category and making it your own.

In other words, to guarantee success, you should attempt something that nobody else would even think of trying.

10 Things News

10% of all African-Americans may be surprised by this one fact

Most people have a fairly good idea of who they are and where they come from.

The traditional family structure is typically in place, with family members across the board getting together at some point in their lives: parents, brothers, sisters naturally. Grandparents, usually.  Great-grandparents becoming a bit more rare, but still often seen.  Cousins, uncles abound.  Great-great-grandparents can be a bit tougher to gather for a party – but it certainly could happen.  Going back in time further than that generation, you’ll rely on geneology records and stories handed down throw family’s joint recollections.


The more sex you have, the more likely you are to abuse alcohol or drugs

Web Watch has long heard the old adage that too much alcohol and drugs would lead to too much sex, whether it be promiscuous college adventures after druken fraternity parties with your secret crush or something more dubious from club dates or online hookups.

But all that may just be a precursor to what really happens later in life, especially with women (men, not so much)…

10 Things News shopping

Current tattoo trends, for women – and what they mean about you

They say that a tattoo is a personal choice.  A statement.

When you have a tattoo, you don’t need to explain its meaning to anyone; why you have it, where you have it, what that tattoo represents — that’s entirely you, and no one else’s.

News Travel

Want to avoid getting norovirus? Stop doing laundry

If you’ve ever been sick while on vacation, you know what a horrible experience it can be.  Trust Web Watch on this, as we spent 2 miserable days holed up in our Disney hotel room on one vacation to the Happiest Place on Earth, unable to leave the relative comfort of the room for any length of time.

Yeah, it wasn’t pretty.

And if you’ve ever been sick while on a cruise ship where you don’t even have the luxury of finding a place to escape like you would have the opportunity to do if you were on land, then you can take the Web Watch Disney experience and multiply that by 100.