10 Things News shopping

10 Things You Should Never Buy Used (or Buy New)

Liz Pulliam Weston over at MSN Money has two companion articles listing the TEN THINGS YOU SHOULD NEVER BUY NEW and TEN THINGS YOU SHOULD NEVER BUY USED.

Some of the items should be obvious.  As Stephen Wright once said, “I went to the store to buy some used paint; it was in the shape of a house.”

For those less obvious, you’ll want to click through the articles to see Liz’s full reasoning behind why each item is on the list.

10 Things Video

10 Things You Don’t Know About… Orgasms

In February 2009, author Mary Roach gave a TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) talk entitled 10 THINGS YOU DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT ORGASMS.

You can watch her talk here (and Web Watch highly recommends watching it, if only for the amusing video clip used to demonstrate item #7), but for convenience sake, Web Watch has included Mary’s ten items after the break.

10 Things Music Video

10 Things You Don’t Know About… What Makes Coldplay, Coldplay

ColdplayA few days ago, we mentioned that during a recent 60 MINUTES INTERVIEW WITH COLDPLAY’S CHRIS MARTIN, the camera showed a list of the 10 rules that Coldplay has for staying true to themselves and being the best band they could be.

You’ve asked what the other rules are, so here they are:

  1. Albums must be no longer than 42 minutes
  2. Production must be amazing, rich, but with space, not overlayered, less tracks more quality. Groove and swing  Drums/rhythm are the most crucial thing to concentrate on; diff. between bittersweet and science of silence
  3. Computers are instruments, not recording aids.
  4. Imagery must be classic, colorful and different. Come back in glorious technicolor.
  5. Make sure videos and pictures are great before setting release date. And highly original.
  6. Always keep mystery. Not many interviews
  7. Groove and Swing.  Rhythms and sounds must always be as original as possible. Once jon has melody, twist it and weird it sonical
  8. Promo/review copies to be on vinyl. Stops copying problem, sounds and looks better.
  9. Jaqueline sabriado, ns p cc, face forward
  10. Think about what to do with charity account. Set up something small but really enabling and constructive.

If you want to see the rules in context, you may want to watch the entire interview yourself.

10 Things News Websites

Playboy’s List of Top Party Schools 2009

Playboy has released their list of the TOP 10 PARTY SCHOOLS FOR 2009:

  1. University of Miami
  2. University of Texas as Austin
  3. San Diego State University
  4. University of Florida
  5. University of Arizona
  6. University of Wisconsin
  7. University of Georgia
  8. Louisiana State University
  9. University of Iowa
  10. West Virginia University

The criteria they used was based on 5 different categories, each worth 20 points total.  The ultimate party school would, in theory, top the list at 100 total points. 

10 Things How To shopping

10 Things You Don’t Know About… Finding the Best Inexpensive Wine at a Restaurant

So you’re sitting at the fancy restaurant, and the waiter hands you the wine menu.  If you’re like most people, you flip to the back page where the cheap stuff is, scan the page for the least expensive per-glass line, and order whatever it may be.

Yes, restaurants make a ton of money selling customers a bottle of wine at an incredibly high markup.  The same bottle that can run $100 or more in the restaurant may only cost you $20 at the local wine shop…assuming the local wine shop even carries that label or vintage.  

So how do you know which wine is a good value when you’re looking at the menu?

The Wall Street Journal has written a handy guide to help you SAVE MONEY WHEN BUYING WINE AT A RESTAURANT.

10 Things Travel

10 Things You Don’t Know About… Yourself Until You Travel Alone

Cameron Karsten writes spiritual and health-related columns for a travel magazine.  Here are his 10 THINGS YOU LEARN ABOUT YOURSELF WHEN YOU TRAVEL ALONE:

  1. Responsibility
  2. Self-reliance
  3. Independence
  4. Likes & Dislikes
  5. Emotions 
  6. Patterns & Reactions
  7. Past Analyzation
  8. Future Dreams
  9. Care for Oneself
  10. How to Love
10 Things Gambling How To

How To Pick the NCAA Basketball Bracket

Whether you call it the NCAA Men’s College Basketball Championship, March Madness, Bracketology, or the World’s Best Office Pool, every year office work grinds to a halt as millions of people sweat over their 63 game selections as they fill out their basketball brackets – hoping ultimately to win their local office pool.

How tough is it to pick the perfect tournament bracket?  Try 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 1 (nine quintillion, if you lost track of the number of commas in that number).

Officially, the NCAA does not support using the grid in any form of gambling, and frowns upon the amount of effort thrown at filling out the brackets for monetary gain.

Got that?  Good.  Now that THAT is out of the way, let’s talk about the 10 BEST WAYS TO FILL OUT YOUR BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT BRACKET SO YOU CAN WIN YOUR OFFICE POOL

(Okay, we may cover more than 10 rules for you to follow while filling out your bracket, but who’s counting?)

10 Things Travel

10 Things You Don’t Know About… Seattle

Seattle is a great place to visit.

It’s a nice town.  A bit damp, but very nice.  Good people, good food, comfortable weather, if you don’t mind the mist.  Well worth the trip if you haven’t had a chance to go.  (Here’s a hint:  take the city bus from the airport to downtown.  It’s reasonably priced and will get you where you want to go.  All the locals do it.)

I thought about linking over to 10 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW BEFORE MOVING TO SEATTLE, but the list started off with…

  1. It rains
  2. No really, it rains a lot here

I’ve watched the Seattle Convention and Visitor’s Bureau promotional video – they claim that Denver has more rain than Seattle does. Comparing what the video tells me just didn’t jive with the “Moving to Seattle” list. 

So I decided to go with the TOP 10 THINGS SEATTLE GIRLS SHOULD DO TO LOOK HOT.  Here are the highlights:

  1. Wear Makeup
    Do Seattle girls just not care, because every time I see one, I throw up a little. However, this one is tricky. Too much makeup or makeup improperly used can make you look like a hooker or a clown.
  2. Wear Cute Dresses and Skirts
    blue jeans and a black Northface does not constitute as dressing up.
  3. Work Out That Butt
    girls in Seattle tend to have wider loads.
  4. Wear Heels
    heels are sexy. They also make your butt look sexier.
  5.  Stop Looking Like Men