Travel Websites

Wanna see a Solar Eclipse? Mark your calendar for AUGUST 21, 2017!

Have you ever had the opportunity to see a real-for-real solar eclipse?

If so, be ready to experience that again.  If not, now’s your chance to start planning ahead so you’re ready for the Event of Your Lifetime!


News Websites

Hashtag Activism and the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

First – before you read any further, if you have either enjoyed the celebrity ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE videos or have participated in making a video yourself…. and if you have not already made a donation to ALS – then GO IMMEDIATELY TO THE ALS WEBSITE AND MAKE THAT DONATION.

And don’t think that just because you didn’t dump a bucket of ice on your head in the name of raising awareness for a charity that’s fighting the good fight for thousands of people, if you laughed even once at the antics of anyone who did do it – you owe ALS money.

I Survived the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
I Survived the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

10 Things Travel Websites

What are the most walkable cities in America?

If you’re looking to move from your current home, what are some of the criteria that you use to select your new location?

It is solely based on affordability? Schools? Convenience to work?

Walkable City: How Downtown Can Save America, One Step at a Time
Walkable City:
How Downtown Can Save America, One Step at a Time

Internet Websites


Think you’re good at using the Internet?

Are you a GOOGLE GOD?

Maybe you should sit down and check yourself, ’cause you ain’t got nothing.

Internet Basics for Beginners - How To Send E-mails and Surf the Net With Ease
Internet Basics for Beginners
How To Send E-mails and Surf the Net With Ease


Meet Gentry Stein: the 2014 World Yo-Yo Champion

This is Gentry Stein, the 2014 World Yo-Yo Champion.

10 Things Gadgets Websites

The popularity of different computer operating systems

How popular is your computer’s OS?  Are you still holding onto that old Windows 2000 or Windows ME relic “just because”?

Or are you just waiting to see what the next big thing out there happens to be, and will switch to that after it’s stable?

sports Websites

What sport are you best suited for? Take this quiz!

Parents always have high hopes for their children.  Will they be tennis superstars? Golf phenoms?

Are the Olympics in your future?  Weekends spent in gyms watching basketball games late into the night?

Are you going to be a baseball caravan parent, driving your kids all over the country so they can play competitively and maybe get in the Little League World Series?

Life as a Ninja
Life as a Ninja

Music Websites

Name That Tune: The One Second edition

How well do you know your music?

You claim that you listen to the radio because you love to hear songs and not people talking, so it’s time to put your money where your mouth is.
Name That Tune
Name That Tune