How To

How to interpret your handwriting

Do you have sloppy handwriting, or nun-sactioned perfect script?

Some people — doctors, famously – have some of the worst handwriting on the planet.  Some say it’s because they are so busy that they don’t have time to write a perfect note to the pharmacist or in your chart.  Others say it’s just sheer laziness.

Handwriting Analysis
Handwriting Analysis

food Video

The real names of fictional characters

As you get closer to the birth of your new baby, you may start to wonder whether you should stick with a name from one of those baby books, or whether you should go off the beaten path and name your child after, let’s say, your favorite character.

Some people have done this successfully, such as Penn Jillette of Penn & Teller who (with his wife’s blessing, we assume) decided to name his daughter Moxie Crimefighter.  Who can’t say that a crimefighter isn’t a favorite character somewhere along the way?

But let’s say that you have more personal favorites from the world of books, games, food products, or other marketing.  Why wouldn’t you want to name your child after one of those characters… if ONLY YOU KNEW WHAT THEIR REAL NAMES WERE?!?!?

Poppin' Fresh - the Pillsbury Doughboy
Poppin’ Fresh – the Pillsbury Doughboy

10 Things

Top Party Schools for 2013

It’s never too early to start looking at what colleges you want your children applying to.

Some parents want their kids to go to a highly educational institute of learning, while the kids just want to party all the time, party all the time, party all the time.

Why not? That’s what their parents did, right?

Paying for the Party: How College Maintains Inequality
Paying for the Party: How College Maintains Inequality


Survey: women with tramp stamp tattoos more likely to put out on the first date

This is a two part question for Web Watch readers:

a) for the women:  do you have a tramp stamp, ie a tattoo on your lower back just above your butt crack?

Okay, now put your hands down.  Next question:

b) for the men: what do you think of women with a lower back tattoo?

Funny shopping

How much money has Cards Against Humanity earned?

By now, hopefully you’ve played that game that Web Watch told you about last year, CARDS AGAINST HUMANITY.

Yes, it’s a sick game, for sick people.  And funny as hell.  Web Watch ends up giving away copies of the game to friends who want to take it with them immediately after Game Night is over. We’re single-handedly keeping CARDS AGAINST HUMANITY in business, it seems.

10 Things Gambling Games Music sports Websites

Let’s play a game: Race Horse or Song Title?

Let’s play a game: “Race Horse or Song Title”?

It’s a fun game to play during TRIPLE CROWN season, where gamblers everywhere turn to the KENTUCKY DERBY, PREAKNESS, and BELMONT to crown the fastest horse in the land.

But while we all chuckle over the wacky names that horses are given, one does have to wonder where those names come from, right?


Best Legal Ruling Ever: the Case of the Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Bikini Top

They say that all the really unusual news stories only happen in Florida.

Texas may begin to disagree, especially after what Judge Biery ruled in his recent decision in the case of 35 BAR AND GRILLE, LLC (plaintiffs) vs THE CITY OF SAN ANTONIO in what is officially being called the CASE OF THE ITSY BITSY TEENY WEENY BIKINI TOP v THE (MORE) ITSY BITSY TEENY WEENY PASTIE.

Gadgets How To Internet Websites

This website will guess your age

Have you been to a county fair recently?

If not – then rest assured that they still have the old-fashioned carnival barker there, offering to guess anything from your weight, to your zodiac sign, to your age — all for just a few dollars.  Don’t worry – if they get it wrong, they hand you a stuffed animal worth $0.25 to them.  It’s sheer profit, even if they lose every single transaction that they attempt.